Prayers 6 Epiphany Year A

Prayer of the Church, 6th Sunday after the Epiphany

P: Covenant-Making God: In ancient times you called the Israelites into covenant-faithfulness and promised them that you would bless them in the land that they were entering to posses if they chose life for themselves and future generations. We praise and thank you for your covenant-faithfulness, even though your people fall short and break the covenant because of their sinfulness–nonetheless, we turn to you for forgiveness. God of mercy: C: Hear our prayer.

P: God the Lawgiver: You gave your chosen people the law and issued your commandments for the well-being of the whole human race. Your laws are like a blueprint for the establishment and maintenance of peace and order in every nation. Yet, as sinners, we confess that we are unable to perfectly live up to and keep your laws and commandments. Forgive and help us in our weakness. God of mercy: C: Hear our prayer.

P: Gracious God: You feed and nurture us through your Word and the faithful servants of your Word who proclaim the good news to people of every background and walk of life. Grant us your Holy Spirit’s gifts and fruit that we may be a mature, spiritual people and feed on the solid food of your Word. God of mercy: C: Hear our prayer.

P: Jesus Teacher of Eternal Truth: In your Sermon on the Mount, you have taught us a higher way, which leads to life, health, and well-being in this world and life everlasting. Surround and fill us with your grace that our hearts, minds and lives may reflect your love and righteousness in all of our thoughts, words and deeds. God of mercy: C: Hear our prayer.

(Additional intercessions and thanksgivings may be included here, ending with: God of mercy: C: Hear our prayer.)

P: Ruler of Israel and the Gentiles: We pray for the heads of state in every land, today especially we remember: Egypt, Israel, Palestine, Namibia, Botswana, Cambodia, Taiwan, Australia, El Salvador, Bolivia, and Canada. Pour out your wisdom upon them that they may govern with justice and live in peace. God of mercy: C: Hear our prayer.

P: Into your all-merciful hands we commend all for whom we pray, O Triune God; and hear all other prayers that may serve your will and purposes in the church and the world; through Jesus Christ our Lord, and the Holy Spirit; whom we worship and praise; One God, now and forever. ALL: Amen.